Monday, April 21, 2014

What Does It Mean To Be An ANZAC

What does ANZAC mean...

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

ANZAC is an acronym for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (pronounced Core), the soldiers who landed at Gallipoli on the Turkish Aegean coast on 25 April 1915, in World War I. This event was a terrible mistake which resulted in the completely unnecessary deaths of thousands of soldiers. The continuation of the war on the peninsula showed the incredible bravery of the ANZAC troops under the most appalling conditions.

Friday, April 4, 2014

15 Inspirations and Quotes for the Curious

15 Inspirations and Quotes for the Curious

Being curious has many benefits such as better health, improved intelligence, positive rewarding relationships and increased happiness due to a greater sense of purpose and meaning in one’s life. Curious people tend to be:

About Me

Started blogging in 2012 because I wanted to be a part of the internet, rather than just read from it. I began writing about time & workload management from my professional career as a trainer and coach in knowledge workers arena and leadership which I learned a lot about during my Army career. Since June 2002 I’ve worked in the coaching, training & development, planning, sales & customer service or security roles as a team member, facilitator, coach, coordinator or manager. Prior to that I was Senior Non-commissioned officer in the N.Z. Army retiring after 22.5 years. The first part of my military career was in the “doing” of being and leading soldiers. The last bit was spent in a variety of training and development roles from instructor to training development officer. For the final 2.5 years of my career I worked on a public facing youth development initiative collaborating with other govt. and private sector entities. Now living in the USA, I work 1 on 1 with busy professionals reshaping how they use their technology and desktop tools combined with best practice process to get stuff done on time with less stress and turn that elusive dream of work/life balance into a reality.
