Sunday, February 24, 2019

Choose Your Glue

Job or career, people are generally hired on knowledge, skill and experience and fired on behaviors. If you're a sporting fan and a movie buff then you'll "Remember The Titans" classic line "attitude reflects leadership". Also true is that people are attracted to a field of employment because they love what the job offers and generally leave because of people. It should be remember that you spend more time with the people you work for and with than your own family and friends. Leadership is the glue that binds. Use good glue and you're unbreakable as a team, as a business, use bad glue and the team, the business falls apart over time.

Learn to Lead!

About Me

Started blogging in 2012 because I wanted to be a part of the internet, rather than just read from it. I began writing about time & workload management from my professional career as a trainer and coach in knowledge workers arena and leadership which I learned a lot about during my Army career. Since June 2002 I’ve worked in the coaching, training & development, planning, sales & customer service or security roles as a team member, facilitator, coach, coordinator or manager. Prior to that I was Senior Non-commissioned officer in the N.Z. Army retiring after 22.5 years. The first part of my military career was in the “doing” of being and leading soldiers. The last bit was spent in a variety of training and development roles from instructor to training development officer. For the final 2.5 years of my career I worked on a public facing youth development initiative collaborating with other govt. and private sector entities. Now living in the USA, I work 1 on 1 with busy professionals reshaping how they use their technology and desktop tools combined with best practice process to get stuff done on time with less stress and turn that elusive dream of work/life balance into a reality.
