Thursday, December 19, 2013

Does your Calendar start your New Year like you mean to finish it?

We're rushing to the 2013 finish line at a break-neck pace. There's still a ton of email sitting in your inbox, your to-do list is that long it looks like another inbox and your popularity is soaring if your invitations to attend meetings is anything to go by. You're juggling three projects at various stages of completion not to mention your half-done Christmas shopping and no one's getting hand written cards this festive season because there's no room in your schedule before you fly out at the end of the week on vacation. At this rate you should set the record for promotion to CEO faster than anyone else has in the firm if you're not burnt out first.

Is this you or someone you know?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Work-Life Balance...finding the Sweet-spot!

Are you working yourself into an early grave?

I recall a very close friend of mine calling me up one time a couple of years ago to tell me that her boss had died. He was married, had kids in college and was a dedicated professional in, ironically, the healthcare IT sector. It all started with a stress related heart attack that was due to work-overload and he was rushed to

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Time Check on Life! (must watch video)

Time Check on Life! (must watch video)

"...time is fleeting...madness takes it's toll", "...time meant nothing, never would again", these words (from the sound track "Time Warp" out of the cult movie "Rocky Horror Picture Show") have a very real and different meaning to all of us depending on what point on the timeline of your life you happen to be standing or otherwise.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The do’s of winter health.

10 ways to stay healthy when the temperature starts to drop

The colder months are here and that tendency to make like a bear has come creeping into our conscious. For most of us hibernation is not an option, its head south like a bird or crack on with our routine all the while the icy wind and snow makes its presence felt. Colds and flu’s are hiding around every corner waiting to mug the unprepared as we go from warm home to cold train platform to warm office and back again. There are fewer hours of daylight; those warm friendly rays of the sun become less affective and these, along with the others are good reason to protect your health.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Relevant Advice for Generation Y Sons and Daughters

An interesting article first published in 2013. Having more than one perspective is healthy I believe in order to make more informed decisions for the future.

Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy
Say hi to Lucy...

About Me

Started blogging in 2012 because I wanted to be a part of the internet, rather than just read from it. I began writing about time & workload management from my professional career as a trainer and coach in knowledge workers arena and leadership which I learned a lot about during my Army career. Since June 2002 I’ve worked in the coaching, training & development, planning, sales & customer service or security roles as a team member, facilitator, coach, coordinator or manager. Prior to that I was Senior Non-commissioned officer in the N.Z. Army retiring after 22.5 years. The first part of my military career was in the “doing” of being and leading soldiers. The last bit was spent in a variety of training and development roles from instructor to training development officer. For the final 2.5 years of my career I worked on a public facing youth development initiative collaborating with other govt. and private sector entities. Now living in the USA, I work 1 on 1 with busy professionals reshaping how they use their technology and desktop tools combined with best practice process to get stuff done on time with less stress and turn that elusive dream of work/life balance into a reality.
